Blog & Info

Learn more about the Maldives, trips and tricks for scuba diving and photography, and stay up to date with our blog!

Scuba Diving Maldives Arora Virgo Liveaboard

Scuba Diving in the Maldives

Discover more about scuba diving in the Maldives including marine life, currents, weather and water temperature.

Macro Diving in the Maldives

The Maldives is famous for big marine life and there is plenty of it to see, but what if you are a keen macro photographer interested in macro diving in the Maldives?
Arora Maldives - Arora Virgo Maldives Diving Liveaboard

Liveaboard Diving in the Maldives

Discover the benefits of liveaboard diving in the Maldives and find out how to choose the right liveaboard for you.

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